
Showing posts from June, 2017

一款热门的时尚单品 - vivo V5s

vivo V5s 自从上市以来,从未停止更出色 !! vivo V5s 上市之后持续受到热捧 一直居高不下的人气,让 vivo V5s 成为暑期热门的时尚单品。 旗舰性能 更加流畅V5s 使用惊人的 4G 大运存,顺畅运作。同时 vivo 看拆解新一代智慧引擎,配合基于安卓6.0的全新 Funtouch OS 3.0,让 V5s 长期体验更加流畅,更加贴心。 应用分身 支持 WhatsApp、WeChat 等应用分身,一台手机,可以轻松登录两个微信等帐号,生活工作互不干扰。 全面扩展的分屏应用 可分屏应用的名单全面扩展,新增对 WPS、邮箱、印象笔记的开启通信软件的分屏支持。大幅增加了可以一屏二用的场景,不但可以边看视频边回信息,更可以一边聊天一边购物、写文档、回邮件、看新闻。 高密度大容量电池 V5s 以轻薄的机身,容纳大容量高密度电池,高达 3000mAh(典型容量),使用更无后顾之忧。 闪充,更快速 V5s 采用 vivo 双引擎闪充,兼容国际通用标准,更快更方便。九重充电防护系统,带来安心安全的闪充体验。 即日起至7月31日购买手机的用户还有机会通过刮刮乐竞赛获得高达 RM1299 的现金回扣哦 !!更多精彩尽在 vivo 各大专卖店哦 !!


首先,你得拥有一颗热爱自拍的心,记录下每个不同时刻最美的自己其实是一件很有意义的事。自拍好看与否和长相关系不大。也就是说任何人都能拍出一张很棒很美的自拍。同时男同胞得注意了,照片好看的不一定是女神,相片背后的真人也许是个 Photo Bomb 哦 !! 方法/步骤 千万不要在光线不好的环境下自拍 这样的照片通常在夜店、酒吧、唱K ,毫无美感、噪点大、模糊,别发出来浪费别人流量好么。但是只要使用 vivo V5s 的柔光自拍问题就迎刃而解 !! 放弃泛滥成灾的“V”字手势 这样的照片随处可见,超级 low 的气息扑面而来。但很多人依然戒不掉。看一次想打一次。有了 vivo V5s 的前置 20MP 柔光摄像头你可以尽情摆出最有自信的笑容 !! 别露出你的手臂 这个是很多人不注意的问题,事实上一截白花花的手臂马上可以让你和完美自拍无缘。捂嘴的动作也不是个好选择,你以为能掩饰你鼻子嘴巴不好看,实则欲盖弥彰。 不要让你的脸填满整张照片 十分糟糕的构图,一张照片都是脸。这会使整张照片都显得单调空洞乏味。可很多人就是舍不得把胳膊伸长一点。 外加一个小贴士 : 只要使用拥有前置柔光 20MP 摄像头的 vivo V5s,就绝对能够拍出理想的完美自拍 !! 听说现在购买还有机会获得 RM1299 的现金回扣哟 !!

Make Your Own 2017 Raya Journey with vivo !!

One-Month Fasting To commemorate the day when Prophet Muhammad received the first revelation of the Quran, every year Muslims all around the world celebrate Ramadan. By leaving a sense of inner peace and accomplishment, Malaysian muslims are going to fast for a month. Go Home Earlier Hari Raya is one of the busiest times of the year. However, how we go home by skipping the horrible traffic ? It’s easy !! Apply your Raya holiday 1-2 days earlier to skip the crowd and save time on travelling. When you save time, you get to spend more precious moment with your loved ones. Window Shopping Before Shopping Shopping are the most delightful moment for everybody especially during festive season !! Great deal and sales is everywhere !! Window shopping before shopping is great because you get to do price comparisons before you decide on what to purchase and where to purchase them. Clean The House Clean your house and give it a makeover !! Do some spring cleanin...

Perfect Selfie Smartphone vivo V5s

Have you ever had problems to turn on a function or setting on smartphone ? These are just some of the entertaining features you’ll find on the vivo V5s. Impressive camera Many users consider the camera when they’re deciding on their next smartphone. Smartphones tend to be the most reliable tools for documentation, and a good camera is always an awesome tool.  If it’s picture-taking capability you want, the V5s does not disappoint. Tested against comparable rival phones, the V5s camera delivers. Colours are vivid, and images have good depth. Details are sharp and even reflections on glass are clear.  As with the perfect selfie smartphones, the camera features different shooting modes. The HDR mode on the V5s results in great colours. Photo editing, video shooting There are some users who don’t post photos unless they’ve processed them first. The V5s comes with a stock photo processing app that lets you ap...

自拍达人不容错过的手机 - vivo V5s !!

去年发布的 vivo V3Max 凭借 ‘只有更快’ 大卖, vivo V5s 柔光自拍的基因显得水到渠成。 vivo V5s 采用了2000万柔光镜头组合, 其中2000万像素摄像头基于索尼 IMX376 打造哦~ 其实, 在早前 V5s 版本就已经推出了玫瑰金这个配色, 但现在 V5s 再次推出磨砂黑 !! 与其它配色的相比, 磨砂黑显得更加沉稳大气, 特别是黑色面板还很好的隐藏了手机正面顶部的镜头、传感器、及听筒, 使手机的颜值大大提高了不少。 V5s 磨砂黑的配置方面并没有做出任何改变, 依然是采用了5.5寸屏幕, 4GB 超大 RAM,  3000mAh 电池。使用了前置 20MP 的虚化摄像镜头, 搭载了柔光灯和更好的美颜算法, 再加上 13MP 的后置镜头, 简直就是完美。 而令人听出耳油的 Hi-Fi 系统则是采用 AK4376 的Hi-Fi 晶片。 最后, vivo V5s 全新磨砂黑将会在6月于马来西亚正式出售,价格方面也定在了RM1299, 并继续赠送限量版礼品哦 !! 详情就记得守住 vivo Malaysia 的官方面子书吧 !!

Reasons Why You Should Grab A vivo V5s

Vivo has put everything in its front camera which has Sony IMX376 sensor to address all your requirements of a top of the range beautiful selfies. If you are die hard fan of selfies then your search for good selfie phone should end with V5s.  Besides awesome front camera, the V5s also boasts of a good primary camera which has sensor of 13MP with LED Flash, Phase Detection Auto Focus and f/2.2 aperture. It is capable of capturing good photos in daylight with lot of details and contrast.  Besides praiseworthy imaging features, the V5s also impresses with its overall performance as it comes with a 5.5-inch HD display with resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels and 2.5D curved glass with Corning Gorilla Glass protection. Despite the fact that the display has resolution of 720p yet it is vibrant and you will enjoy multimedia content on it. When you access the websites, you can read crisp text on it and sunlight visibility is also good. It is powered by 1.5GHz Octa-Cor...

64G 的 vivo V5s 活力全开 !!

专业级拍摄 ,  留住瞬间美丽 V5s 2000万像素前置镜头、Sony IMX376、F2.0、美颜6.0、柔光闪光灯。外加1300万像素后置镜头、LED 闪光灯、PDAF相位对焦, 让 V5s 不论暗环境还是快速移动, 精彩瞬间都能轻松捕捉。 强劲核心 ,  旗舰性能 V5s 配备了MT6750 八核处理器, 搭配 4GB RAM+64GB ROM 存储组合 (支援microSD 扩展至128GB), 性能提升以及耗能降低, 再配合 3000mAh 大电池, 聊天、直播、游戏、娱乐, 即使活力全开, 依然流程运行。 硬解Hi-Fi ,  音质担当 Vivo V5s 传承 vivo 声音风格, 使用 AK4376 方案, 功耗低, 性能出众。传承 vivo 经典 Hi-Fi 风格, 与vivo核心人群年轻进取、热情温暖的性格特质共鸣, 相对前作更加精致醇厚, 让你耳朵从此爱上这种享受。 工作娱乐 ,  任性切换 V5s 可同时登陆两个Facebook、Whatsapp、微信, 分屏多任务, 可让你在看视频的同时和朋友聊天、回信息, 让你工作娱乐两不误。 偷偷告诉你, 玫瑰金现已推出咯 !! 还在等什么 ? 马上到临近 vivo 的专卖店购买属于你的自拍神器 - vivo V5s 吧 !!