
Showing posts from September, 2018

TOP 3 Reasons Why Vivo V11i Is Better Than Others

Nowadays Notch screen design already outdated, and widely used in low-range phone. Compare to the screen of other brand, Halo FullView Display is a new trend, it has a screen-to-body ratio of over 90%, so you can have a better viewing experience.  Talk about selfie, V11i has the highest pixel for the front camera, which is 25MP. Together with AI Face Shaping and AI Selfie Lighting, it allows you to have a natural 3D selfie, while brand X has only normal face beauty, and AI selfie lighting which not really effective and practical.  Besides selfie, V11i has the highest pixel for the AI Dual Rear Camera as well – 16MP+5MP. Vivo offers a best AI HDR result, with the updates of low light HDR feateures, you can capture the best photo in both backlight and low light environment. They even developed the new AI Portrait Framing that assist you to capture photo with best angle and ratio. Compare to other brand, it captures amazing photos. The ...

Be Amazed By The All New AI Camera Smartphone, V11i !!

Vivo V11i with the selling price RM1,299 has finally official on sale in Malaysia! With any purchase of vivo V11i, you will grab the limited edition gift box. The phone comes with Halo FullView Display and its 6.3-inch display has a 19:9 aspect ratio surrounded by incredibly slim bezels. The screen-to-body ratio is a colossal 90.4%, delivering an uninterrupted viewing experience on a super-compact body. V11i comes with Starry Night and Nebula while its curves seamlessly disappear into the display to create a flawless and smooth feel, so your hands hold the ultimate in luxury and comfort. Other than that, its 25MP super high resolution front camera captures bright, crisp, and vibrant photos. And with Vivo’s AI Face Beauty, an AI algorithm intelligently adjusts photo settings during shooting, it can deliver authentic-looking pictures that make you look your best in every shot. The V11i features a superior 16MP + 5MP dual rear camera combination. Both are controlled...

颜值爆表绝对吸睛, 告诉你 5 个购买 vivo V11i 的理由 !!

说到手机拍照功能,相信是大部分消费者购买电话是会考量的一点,在这个即影即传的网络时代,消费者们对于相机的功能要求也逐步提升,对于逆光和暗光拍照更加苛刻,所以今天要和大家分享就是一款拍照超强的拍照电话 V11i。V11i 作为 vivo 最新手机之一,尽管定位低于 V11 但 V11i 在配置方面并不缩水,最重要是价格方面更加亲民,在此和大家分享下 5 个购买 vivo V11i 的理由! 设计方面 vivo V11i 相当讲究美学,受惠于美人尖的设计提升屏占比,让 6.3寸萤幕视觉感相当震撼,而且背面采用3D曲面玻璃设计,不仅设计好看连握感的舒适性都提升不少,机身提供星空黑 和星云紫,渲染的效果相当吸睛抢眼。 前置镜头的表现,V11i 采用 2500 万像素的镜头,拥有极高的成像质量,配合最新一代的智美脸型算法,可独立为五官进行立体美化,美得更自然更真实,势必深受喜欢自拍的女性消费者的欢迎。 后置镜头 vivo V11i 采用了双摄像镜头组合,主摄像镜头为 1600 万像素,副摄像镜头为 500万像素,硬体配置方面固然重要,但是 AI 的点缀更重要。V11i 相机功能具备 AI 智能场景识别功能,其中 AI Blacklight HDR 逆光模式 和 AI Low Light 暗光模式是本次 V11i 的重点功能,受惠于强大的拍照性能,让 V11i无论是逆光还是暗光拍摄都不成问题。 以一部拍照手机角度而言,拍摄能力固然重要,但是手机容量也不能忽略。V11i采用 4GB RAM+128GB 存储组合,对于喜欢拍摄的消费者肯定能满足需求,如果认为 128GB 不够使用,V11i 还可以透过 SD 卡槽扩充至 256 GB 容量,绝对可以容纳超过 80,000 张照片。 电量更大充电更迅速,手机续航也是V11i 一大亮点,V11i配置一块 3,315 mAh 电池,配合 vivo 最新双引擎闪充技术,大幅度提升充电速度,充电 5分钟可通话 3.8小时,同时拥有 9 重安全保护充电又快又安全,彻底告别漫长的充电等待。 如今 vivo V11i 正式在大马发售,一款结合拍照,大容量,闪充等等如此多功能的手...

Get The All-New 『vivo V11』 On Mid-Autumn Festival !!

Look how time flies, it is already the midst of September 2018, which means Mid-Autumn Festival is around the corner. Brace yourself for the mooncake madness !! Radios, TVs, social medias, newspapers almost everywhere are going to spam with mooncake commercials. The 3,500-year old tradition is commonly observed all over the world to worship the moon, celebrate the harvest season, and most importantly, to eat mooncake. The Mooncake Festival or Lantern Festival or Mid-Autumn Festival, call it what you will - is a celebration of unity. It’s the time for families return to celebrate and give thanks for the year's bounty. Yet, why don’t we get something else for our family on this reunion festival besides mooncake ? How about something that can turn the best moment into eternal and dazzling memories ? The new vivo V11’s AI Backlight HDR and AI Low Light Mode use AI algorithms to capture multiple frames for greater detail, and combine them to create perfectly exposed p...

【中秋送温情】送 vivo V11 成为家人温馨“小棉袄”了 !!

所谓“每逢佳节倍思亲, 正逢佳节送好礼”,中秋节作为华人的传统节日之一,相信不少粉丝们和网友们都会和家人团聚聚餐,帮亲朋好友环部新手机也不失为一个好注意。市面上众多手机,如果你不知道应该选择哪一款手机,这边有款价格实惠功能齐全的 vivo 手机介绍,那就是最近非常火爆热销 vivo V11 新手机。 为何介绍这款手机呢?因为Vivo V11 其中一黑科技莫过于是屏下指纹技术,vivo可是首家采用屏下指纹解锁功能手机制造商,如今 vivo 将高科技投放至中端机型,火爆 V11 顺势成为首款具有屏下指纹识别功能的中端机型。 V11 搭载第四代屏下指纹技术,借助OLED 萤幕自发光特性,V11透过 OLED 缝隙读取指纹和进行指纹识别,只需要将拇指摆放特定的识别区域即可解锁,整个解锁过程简单直接耗时 0.7秒,论识别速度并不输传统指纹识别。配合 0.1秒超快的面部识别功能,无论面对如何的解锁场景都绰绰有余。 V11只需要 RM 1,699 就可以享受高科技所来带的便利性,售价方面相当实惠,既可以和亲朋好友团聚,还透过 V11 拉近彼此的距离。欲知更多 V11 详情可以前往临近的 vivo 经销商或专卖店,或浏览

【vivo V11火爆开售】 当天 RM1500 - RM2000 价位畅销 TOP1 !!

(吉隆坡9月15日讯) 继几天前正式在大马举办了 vivo V11 的发布会之后,vivo V11 也终于正式在大马火爆开售。作为一款售价 RM1,699 的手机,V11 主打屏幕指纹解锁功能和 AI 智慧拍照,是第一款搭配了屏幕指纹的中价位手机,而 AI 智慧拍照让每个人都能轻松摄影,构图更容易、色彩更鲜艳。开售当天,V11 的销量登顶,是 RM1,500 至 RM2,000 价位段的畅销排行第一,全马各个门店都火爆销售。 Vivo  一向以服务和体验为先,为了感谢消费者提前预购 V11  及他们对 vivo  的支持, vivo  在全马各州属为消费者把 V11  送上门前,让他们在正式开售的前一个夜晚即能率先体验 V11  的屏幕指纹解锁功能及 AI  智慧拍照功能! 此外,为了迎接 V11  正式到来, vivo  也在 Sunway Pyramid   举办了一场具有三大福利的促销活动,首 111  位在首销日当天在现场购买 V11 的用户除了收到 V11  定制礼盒之外,还可以免费获赠额外一份无人机作为答谢。现场气氛火热,消费者可说是相当踊跃。 V11  已正式开售,而 V11i  的预购时间到 9  月 20  日为止,消费者将可以在 9  月 21  日起到相关的门店领取 V11i 。如今,你还可以在全马任意一家 vivo  专卖店、合作商家及授权经销商处预购一台 V11i ,或是选择在 vivo Store  (  及各大官方网络商城进行预购。 Vivo V11 / V11i  是 vivo  在马来西亚发布的最新手机。它搭配了 AI  智慧拍照功能,让每个人都能轻松成为摄影师。 V11  的屏幕指纹解锁技术,让你可以触碰屏幕就轻松解锁手机,解锁更快、更高效。 V11 / V11i  共有两款颜色供消费者进行挑选:星空色(黑蓝渐变色)和星云色(蓝紫...